Welcome to my Pup N Friends! My name is Scott Woodruff, and as a lifelong animal lover, I’m thrilled to have created this platform to share my experiences and insights on all things pets.

Scott WoodruffMy passion for pets started when I was young, and my grandmother gave me my first kitten. From then on, my family’s home was always filled with various pets, from dogs and rabbits to fish and a parrot. As I grew up, my love for animals continued to grow, and I pursued opportunities to work with them, including volunteering at a local animal shelter and interning at a veterinary clinic.

Over the years, I’ve cared for pets of all kinds and sizes, from the smallest hamsters to the largest Great Danes. I’ve learned firsthand the joys and challenges of pet ownership, from the unconditional love they provide to the responsibilities that come with ensuring their health and happiness.

I’ve also been fortunate to share my passion for pets through my writing, with articles for pet magazines and websites, as well as speaking at various pet-related events. In addition, I’ve worked with several animal welfare organizations, advocating for the humane treatment of animals and promoting responsible pet ownership.

Through this blog, I hope to share my knowledge and experiences with fellow pet lovers, offering a platform for education, discussion, and inspiration. Whether you’re a seasoned pet owner or considering getting your first pet, I hope you’ll find my blog to be a valuable resource and a source of joy and camaraderie. Thank you for joining me on this journey!